Seeking Freedom

Seeking Freedom
Photo by Mariana Moreno, Me and the Walls

Hello, beloved ones. I’m writing to you from Berlin, a city of intense fury—modern and contemporary—constantly in the process of constructing the longed-for freedom. Here, freedom is breathed, felt, and worn, but it has an aggressive, harsh tone, "in your face!"

It’s paradoxical to me because I’ve always felt that freedom is grounded in love, openness, and subtlety. However, since the beginning of humanity, the pursuit of freedom has often come through pain, war, and oppression.

This constant struggle has so distorted its true meaning that when we finally experience authentic freedom, we often fail to recognize it.

In this city, which seems to breathe freedom, sometimes it feels wrapped in dependency, oppressing the true essence of what it means to be free.

Mariana in Galapinhos, Setúbal 2020

What is freedom, then?

For me, as someone who has been a devoted practitioner, building it in every possible form, freedom is an endless process. It is constant. The first step to understanding it is recognizing the conditioning we are born into.

In every area of our lives, freedom challenges us to realize that, more often than not, we are our own jailers. Our own pain and the feeling of being undeserving act as barriers that we ourselves create.

Daniela in Galapinhos, Setúbal 2020

Freedom isn’t comfortable. It challenges us. It pushes us to explore which areas of our lives are stagnant, showing us paths through people, work, or situations.

While I won’t go into detail in this article about all the routes that have led me to my own freedom, I can share this conclusion: freedom is simple.

Ginetes, São Miguel, Açores.

It’s within us, in the small actions that become immense when aligned with our true selves.

Freedom is in taking risks.

It’s about making brave decisions, giving more credit to what we want and how we want it. Freedom lies in trusting our own voice. Remember, the answers are already within you, if you take the time to listen.

Freedom isn’t achieved through others; it is shared and enjoyed with others. But it is an internal state.

Photo by my dear friend Mariana Moreno, Dani & I

Freedom is in calm and patience.

We cannot live nervously or in haste, trying to conquer freedom. If we do, we only end up replicating the narratives imposed by the outside world, which are often overwhelming and oppressive.

We must give our minds space to contemplate paths that haven’t been dictated by others, to love and value what makes us beings without limits—beings of pure subtlety and peace.

We are messengers of love, spreading drops of dreams without depriving anyone. It’s in that space, where we allow things to grow at their own pace and nature, that true freedom lies.

Sete Cidades, São Miguel, Açores

Remember, you are the architect of your life, your decisions, and your happiness.

In my next article, I will talk about my journey toward freedom in the financial and creative worlds—a path that is constantly evolving but has been carefully mapped with strategy.

I hug you, and I hope your heart vibrates with love for freedom.
