He does my hair

He does my hair

He does my hair, how sweet, how soft. For me, it’s a little piece of heaven. It’s such a beautiful, tender act, something I used to associate mostly with femininity and motherhood. Curiously, I don’t recall my mother ever doing my hair, but I do remember my cousins.

In fact, I was always a bit disheveled. I have very beautiful, silky hair—modesty aside, but it’s true. I may look a little more put-together now, but it’s an act of rebellion, a kind of thirst for womanhood with an attitude that doesn’t care what others think.

But when he does my hair, he tenderly asks, “Do you want me to do your hair?” Sometimes it happens before bed, sometimes before going out, and other times when we want to connect in a soft conversation where touches speak in a different way. We contemplate different things, but we’re always caressing and caring for each other. It’s a form of love that fills my heart.

A drawing inspired by a dream of love between a gypsy and a magician.

Ah! Love has its ways. It’s so powerful and subtle.

Its language transforms with force: it brings down mountains, unites seas, paints trees crimson, and opens paths of jasmine. Today I feel so much love. I’ve been building love into everything I do; it’s a universal rule in my world.

Fortunately, I can say that I’ve always cultivated relationships based on love and respect. Some turned out better than others, but with each one, I fine-tune it more.

And yes, my heart swells like a balloon floating over the seven wonders of the world. The seas and winds come and go, overflowing with creative, bombastic energy.

Love in the creative world is so important. It’s like a warm greeting, inviting you to openly let go of any reservation that might exist beforehand. It allows your mind and heart to align.

Sometimes, if you really let it flow, the heart steers the ship, and it’s delicious. The work walks on its own; you’re just there as a medium. It has its own life; it has a soul.

Today, back in my life in Portugal, my heart is full of love and gratitude. I’m surrounded by so much love and support, and I’ve had the good fortune of meeting someone very special who, yes, does my hair... and I do his as well.

And yes, I can follow my dreams without limits, with confidence and without fear, no matter how wild they may seem. They’re mine, and I feel blessed.

Sending you all my love, I hug you tied !