Beloved Independence

Beloved Independence
Self migration- From the Exodus serie.

Hello, beloved ones! As I mentioned in the last article, let's talk about independence, so being independent means doing what I want, when I want, and with whom I want. This independence is built on solid pillars that require courage, strategy, and organization.

We cannot give up on our purest desire for freedom, even though distractions may have delayed us, as they were also part of the journey. Without them, we wouldn’t have become who we are today. To achieve our true passion, we can’t live repressed lives; we need to stay constantly inspired, even in environments that aren’t always the most desirable or stimulating.

My concept of independence is deeply connected to interdependence. None of what I’ve achieved would have been possible without the support of the external allies around me.

We live in a capitalist, competitive, productive, and savage system, but rather than being dragged down by it, it's important to use it as an energetic source to create and thrive. By looking at situations from a different perspective, we become protagonists in the game of life.


Why is conscious presence important in the economic system we live in? Because we need to stay connected to our inner voice to find a clear path. Often, we have many desires and interests but don’t know how to choose one and make it prosper. Presence helps us set a clear goal and navigate the chaos astutely, without exhausting ourselves in the process.

Shamana - From the Exodus serie F-F

My own journey toward independence was disorganized and took me down multiple paths, but I never wanted to give up on art, and I didn’t.

However, the process of commercializing something so personal, like art, can be painful.

When you put something you love into the market and it isn’t well received, the blow to the ego and heart is strong. We want to avoid pain and find a more optimized way to reach independence.

To do so, it’s essential to develop a project or product that generates both active and passive income, allowing us the time to figure out something that bridges the gap between passion and economic reality.

This social system acts as a bridge that connects our service or product to the purpose of helping others because any project we develop must have a positive impact. If it doesn’t, the energetic cycle won’t flow.

To start this process of integral freedom, it's crucial to seek out the roots and understand the relationship that our close environment has with money, self-esteem, and worthiness. Both internal and external factors influence our path toward entrepreneurship.

1. Internal Factors: Family

Family is the closest external bond and one of the most influential factors. In my case, from a young age, I saw how the model of financial freedom was complicated. My mother, a university professor and economist, chose the field of education in Venezuela, an area that, unfortunately, offers scarce resources. Though she worked with some degree of freedom, the energetic exhaustion was enormous, and the financial reward didn’t match the effort. It wasn’t a model I wanted to follow.

On the other hand, Miguel, who didn’t finish his engineering degree and became a salesperson, offered a more dynamic and attractive model for me. Always on the move, his life seemed freer, but also much more stressful since he depended on his clients, and the flow of money was uncertain. Although the lack of control could be frustrating, the risk had a certain charm that later influenced my own entrepreneurial ventures.

On my mother’s side, I came from a family of Jewish merchants, with great resources and success, but there was an energetic and hierarchical barrier that distanced me from them. In contrast, my father’s side had agricultural resources, but they lacked the clarity and organization needed to build a sustainable future. Over time, these two extremes converged and shaped the formula that led me to create my own path.

2. External Factors: Environment

The environment and the people around us also have a great impact on our development. There’s a popular saying: "Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are," which in my environment was interpreted as, if you surround yourself with successful people, you’ll also succeed. However, for me, this has more to do with a beautiful symbiosis of abundance that is generated by having a positive mindset and perspective towards life, towards the events that unfold, and how you choose to intellectually and vibrationally nurture yourself through others.

It's all part of a system that works through harmony.

When I graduated as a visual communicator, I had to firmly stand by my decision not to follow the traditional career model of my family, where degrees and academic success were the foundation of achievement. Although I came from a family where those achievements defined a person’s worth, I was fortunate to have the support of my closest circle, allowing me the freedom to choose my own path.

Nevertheless, during a more bohemian phase, I was influenced by many different energies, which brought great richness, but also required more effort to reach where I aspired to be. I learned that it’s not about controlling your surroundings, but about finding harmony within them.

Collage made with some art pieces by

The Value of Money and Capital

Money is energy, and it must be handled with fluidity, generosity, and respect for it to circulate constantly. To carry out any project, it's necessary to have some capital, even if it’s minimal. We shouldn’t be afraid to ask for support, whether from acquaintances or external entities. Every experience, even those that seem like losses, are investments that generate learning. This law of gain transforms each obstacle into a growth engine.

Sensitivity and the Path to Freedom

We need to be sensitive to what we hear and to what we have to say to ourselves. It’s essential to give time and importance to this inner dialogue in order to design our project toward freedom. This journey requires an invaluable investment in learning new things, in connecting with that goal that nourishes us, that’s fun, that stimulates and challenges us. Don’t sell your soul to boring jobs. You are capable of prospering with your own ideas. Be the one who decides, be your best teacher, and your best apprentice.

That's it for today, lovelies. I hope this information gives you some insights and that you find it useful for your own path.

If you like any of these artworks, I have limited edition prints available for sale:

Printed with pigment inks for vibrant, long-lasting colors.

Hahnemuhle Museum Etching 350g, 100% Cotton paper for a premium, textured finish.

A3 size (29.7 x 42 cm), perfect for framing and display.